Arts Council - Windsor & Region (ACWR) was incorporated in 1979 and is an umbrella arts organization
representing and promoting all artistic endeavour within Windsor and Essex County.
Did you know?
- the ACWR helped save the Capitol Theatre
- the ACWR helped create Windsor Endowment for the Arts
- the ACWR helped found the Sandwich Festival
- the existence of the ACWR's Articipate and Year of the Arts initiatives helped bring the Learning
Through the Arts project to Windsor and Essex County
- the ACWR is publishing an Arts Guide with a circulation of 40,000 copies in 2009 and distribution
throughout Windsor-Essex and Detroit
- the ACWR is a registered charity and can provide you a tax receipt for your donation.
The work of the ACWR has a significant impact on the quality of life in our community. Unfortunately, the
strong, yet quiet, presence of the ACWR often results in far fewer donor dollars than are needed for it to carry
out its services and programming.
ACWR service to the arts community and the general public of Windsor and Essex County includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
- Arts Advocacy
- Arts Promotion and Awareness
- ACWR Website and blog
- Weekly Arts Notes email
- Live Arts Radio Program, CKLW AM800
- Artspeak Gallery: a gallery which allows for a tangible promotion of both emerging and seasoned
artists, as well as providing a space for meetings, workshops, seminars and spoken-word
performances. The fact that the space is unjuried, and that rental of the space is so affordable,
enables artists who have never had a show before to get their feet wet. As well, it allows the
professional artists to exhibit new work in a timely fashion in a professional gallery setting
- Information Service: ACWR maintains a permanently staffed office, open Monday to Friday, 1pm to
5pm, in the heart of Old Walkerville at 1942 Wyandotte Street East, for the dissemination of information
on arts and culture in Windsor and surrounding region.
There is no organization in this City that does more with less. No group gives you more bang for your buck.
Imagine what it could do with your support!
Arts Council ~ Windsor & Region
1942 Wyandotte St. E., Windsor, ON Tel: 519.252.6855 Fax: 519.252.6553